Virginia Governor
Timothy M. Kaine |
commitment the Studio has shown in providing positive and nurturing
surroundings has contributed to its great accomplishments and its steady
expansion. The Studio's philosophy, 'measuring success in smiles'
is a proven winner as demonstrated by the thousands of Virginians who
have made the Studio a success." |
John Warner |
dance studio not only provides an invaluable service to the Alexandria
community by teaching the arts, but also serves to enrich the lives of
students by enhancing their athletic abilities, building friendships,
and teaching discipline. I applaud your commitment to sharing your
talents with the community, and building up an Alexandria institution
that is revered by so many." |
Former US Senator
George Allen |
dance studio has lived up to its motto, 'Building Confidence and Making
Memories.' You recognize the importance of teaching the art of
dance in a professional environment while also ensuring that the
experience is an enjoyable one. You are an inspiring teacher, and
I commend your innovative and enthusiastic leadership." |
Jillian Swantner |
"When I think back on the
14 years I spent dancing at CCDS there are too many memories to list. My best
memories are from the competitions and shows I went to with the Performing
Troupe. My first show was at the Old Post Office Pavilion....My most significant
memories are from the 6 years I assisted Chris on Saturdays. I learned so much
from him about much more than just dance. After spending countless hours at the
studio over the years I can’t imagine what my life would have been like without
CCDS." |
Mote Horton |
was my favorite teacher - he was so full of energy and encouraged us to all do
our best." "I knew in high school after student teaching with Chris that I
wanted to teach. I am very fortunate that I now teach dance in a High School in
Florida." |
Rinehart |
"Where do I start? There
are so many great memories! Jennifer Meyer’s Circle of Life, the tap trio Chris
taught to me with Tiffany Talley & Megan Bell, gymnastic classes with Mrs. Lloyd,the competitions, the old Tackett’s Mill studio and the infamous gold
sequin biketards for jazz. |
Shand |
"My 5 Guys named Moe - I
Love those Girls!! - FIDELA - the best nickname ever; the silver sequin tap
shoes; the princess dance that I forced myself into by adding another princess;
the summer trips - watch out for the tram car please!!" Dance increased my
confidence and I made some of the greatest friends, all while enjoying myself. |
Nemr |
"With a strong foundation
nothing is impossible. Thanks, Chris, for being an integral part of my
foundation. I am now teaching at Broadway Dance Center and have formed my own
professional tap company - "Cat’s Paying Dues." |
Stephanie Mairena |
"My experience at
Chris Collins Dance Studio was one that I will cherish for the rest of my life.
All the teachers that have crossed my path while attending classes have made
lasting impressions. " |
Cathy Mingee |
"Memories - FIDELA! - All
the workshops and trips we took like Dance Caravan, Orlando, NYC. A favorite
picture is from when I was really young and Chris had a know the
one. After spending 14 years at the studio it’s hard to come up with just a few
memories. |
Melissa Skinner |
"Teaching my own Poms
class; all the great tap routines with Chris; our New York National Competition
with Swing Kids. I owe much credit to Chris’s "healthy competition" mission as
the roots I gained at the studio pay off each day." |
Leslie Collins Nunn |
"I remember always
asking my dad to play the "Annie" music in class during tumbling time when I was
little. I loved student teaching with my dad on Saturdays and seeing my
grandparents in the office. Dance has always been a love of mine and has played
a big part in my life. It is still my favorite weekly activity." |
Courtney Redmond |
"The shows we did
around the community - The Moose Lodge, Old Post Office Pavilion, Springfield
Mall, and our trips to New York. Having the opportunity to student teach and
teach two award-winning routines of my own. The confidence I gained from dance
comes out every day at work." |
Carolyn Seckinger Fink |
"I fondly
remember Lynne Bauer, Ginger Lynn, my first solo with Chris and my senior year
routine with former students of the year dancing with Chris. Chris was probably
the most influential person in my dance career. He is the one who took notice
and developed my talent. Those were truly some of the happiest times of my life." |
Leah Johnson |
"Great memories of special
routines like Chattanooga Choo Choo, 5 Guys Named Moe, No Limit, Broadways’ Best
Tap Production. The Accent on Youth competitions at the old theater in
Hagerstown, MD. Dance allowed me to make friends, socialize, and share my
passion through the best years of my life so far." |
Amanda Desper |
"I especially loved
helping Chris with his classes on Saturdays. Some of my favorite routines were
"Steam Heat" with Ms. Briana, "Chicago" with Ms. Tiffany, and my duo with
Stella. Dance has impacted my life in ways that I cannot list. It taught me
confidence, poise, dedication and responsibility. The studio provided me with
some of the best friends I would ever ask for as well as the support of all the
teachers and other parents - like a big extended family. The studio was a huge
part of my life for many years." |
Megan Hiett White |
"I’d have to say my
favorite memory was when our performing troupe tap class did a tap dance in zoot
suits complete with fedoras. It was the most fun I ever had dancing. The routine
"Swing Kids" was amazing. Dance gave me great confidence. It helped me to meet
new people and be comfortable in a new environment. Performing allowed me to be
an integral part of a team - all wonderful life lessons! I am now a captain in
the Air Force. I have flown many missions in and out of Iraq and Afghanistan." |
Marcie Slaymaker Voight |
"My favorite
memories were recitals and competitions. I loved our trips to Ocean City, MD. I
still remember all of us recording "Girls Just Want To Have Fun" for Chris on
the boardwalk. Dance and especially the instructors impacted my life by
challenging me to excel always. Thank you to Chris, Rochelle & Ginger." |
Tiffany Talley Hopper |
"My favorite
teachers were Chris & Ms. Jennifer ( and no I did not say that because they are
relatives!) My memorable routines are "Gypsy," "That’s Dancing" and my favorite
ever "When Velma Takes the Stand." Dance completely changed my life! I have
found the best job working at a fabulous studio. When I first stepped in to the
Lake Ridge studio I had no idea it would become my entire future." |
Stacey Garrett |
"I remember my final
senior solo. Right before I went on stage I started crying and I was huddled in
a little group of friends with Ms. Jennifer. Dance started as another hobby. I
did not realize until college how much dance had become a part of my life. It
was at Chris Collins Studio that the seeds of my passion were planted. I used to
dread the few moments before performance, but now I have come to really enjoy
it." |
Leanne Melka Tacktill |
"I especially
remember Miss Amanda; my favorite routine was the solo "All That Jazz’" that
Chris taught me. I also loved student teaching. Dancing definitely gave me
confidence in myself in all aspects of life an also helped me learn to work with
and rely on other people." |
Rebecca Lloyd |
"My favorite routine was
Ms. Tiffany’s "Play That Funky Music." Her routines were fun and creative and
allowed us to be creative and really let go. I especially loved competing that
routine. Some of my favorite costumes were the ones my mom designed and hand
made for my solos. Dance and a smile have provided me with the confidence and
skills I use today." |
Linda Fairall |
"Not a day goes by that I
don’t miss some aspect of the dance studio - the friends, the teachers and the
excitement and fulfillment that comes from performing. I always will remember
getting our new costumes on parents day, Ms. Amanda, who said I had a "movie
star" name, and Bill Collins always fitting me for new dance shoes." |
Jennifer Moore |
"My special memories
include the clever games Ms. Tiffany did in musical theater and the fun times
rooming with Ms. Jennifer on trips. I have received many dance awards and was a
featured on stage dancer at the Pro Bowl. I credit my skills to the wonderful
foundation from my nine years at Chris Collins Dance Studio and the awesome
teachers." |
Pamela Johnson |
"I have great memories
of my dance years at Chris Collins Studio in the 80's. I currently work at
Kennedy Krieger Children’s Hospital in Baltimore. I encourage my niece, Brandi
Moore to be a better dancer and continue to support her and come to her
recitals." |
Sabrina Crane |
"My favorite routine was
definitely "Sarajevo" Dance was how I identified myself. It also helped me cope
with stress. I willingly sacrificed friends, and normal kid activities to dance
and don’t regret a second of it." |
Natalie Lewis |
"I loved being a part of
the old "Hollywood style" production numbers like "That’s Dancing." I also loved
gymnastics with Mrs. Lloyd and all the competitions. I am in graduate school at
the Manhattan School of Music. Dance is still my favorite form of exercise, and
I love going to the ballet and Broadway shows. It has rounded out my
appreciation for all the arts." |
Christy Genova |
"Well I loved "Choo Choo
Ch’Boogie" taught by Chris Collins because it was different and I loved the
props. My senior solo, "Here I Go Again" taught by Ms. Jennifer was amazing. She
was skeptical about the music but she choreographed a wonderful dance to it! I
definitely attribute dance classes to my discipline. Not having a "backstage
mother" I was able to learn to do my own hair and makeup very quickly at a young
age. I met a lot of great people and was taught by fantastic teachers. That ten
years of dance will be the best I remember for a long time." |
Kelly Jamieson |
"I always enjoyed
dancing at the Moose Lodge or the Hermitage. It made me so happy to look out in
the audience and see people other than family and friends enjoying the show. It
means a lot to give back to the community and I’m grateful I could experience
that at a young age. Dance has been a continuous passion started by Chris
Collins and greatly influenced by my grandmother. I have gone on to win over
$7,000 in scholarship money which helped pay part of my college tuition. I am
currently a member of the college dance team at Virginia Tech. The biggest
impact of dance was not the trophies but the friendships and lessons I learned
along the way." |
Maureen Jamieson |
"My favorite memory
from Chris Collins Dance Studio was becoming the 1999 Student of the year. I
will never forget my first tap solo where it took me six weeks to master the
hard task of 8 flaps in a circle! I also remember a competition when my music
cut off. The one thing Chris had always taught me was to keep on dancing and
that is exactly what I did. It turned out to be one of my best performances
ever. I truly love teaching the art that I studied for so many years. My
choreography has won numerous national awards. The biggest moment in my life was
being asked to be a master instructor for DTI dance Conventions this past
December where I taught to over 300 students." |
Kimlin Tran Gonzalez |
"Dancing at Chris
Collins was a memorable part of my life. I especially remember the ballet
production "Masquerade" and going to dance competitions. I want my kids to
experience the same feeling, so I have my 5 year old daughter, Sheila, dancing
at the studio." |
Katie Henderson |
"I could not even
pinpoint a favorite memory from the studio - there are too many. What I do
remember is a loving place where I was surrounded by a second family who would
take care of me no matter what. The studio gave me the training I need to be
successful in my field. It has also given my confidence and grace. I made some
of my best friends at the studio and am grateful to Chris Collins studio for the
opportunity." |
Keysha Miller |
"I had fun doing Hawaiian
and Tahitian with Miss Lisa. I also enjoyed ballet with Miss Rochelle. Chris was
the best tap teacher I ever had! Dancing there started my dreams of working with
children as I do today." |
Courtney Parker |
"Dance taught me
discipline and that if you work hard at something and have a passion for it, you
will succeed. I have made life-long friends through dance and my years at Chris
Collins Dance Studio were some of the best of my life. I have great memories not
only of dance but of the fun things like our trip to Wildwood and (walking on
the boardwalk with Miss Tiffany at 1 AM in our Pj’s) , everything about musical
theater class; Circle of Life with Miss Jennifer and never being able to do the
backward roll. Finally learning wings from Chris after months of trying." |
Barbie Freeman |
"I got my start dancing
at Chris Collins and was especially inspired by Rochelle Erwin to pursue ballet.
I am now a professional modern dancer with Momentum Dance Company in Miami,
Florida. I have so many memories of the early days - performing the big military
tap production at the Pentagon; Ocean City, MD; being lifted in lyrical by Bruce
Stafford; hanging out with dancers all day during extremely long competitions
and recitals. Many of these dancers are good friends that I am still in touch
with today. Dance is still my first love and career. It is who I am and keeps me
sane and young, and the discipline and artistry have helped me succeed in other
parts of my life." |
Jenny Moss |
"My most memorable routine
was "From a Distance" with the sign language. My favorite teachers were Chris
(of course) and Miss JoAnne. I had a great time doing "Swing Kids" in New York
City at a national competition and made so many great friends through the years.
Dance helped to shape my sense of discipline and commitment. I am now a senior
meeting and event manager." |
Amy Schaub |
"Wish I could be there to
share this recital! Congratulations! I really enjoyed the years in adult tap and
teaching the beginner ballet, jazz, and pom classes. I miss it very much." |
Karin Yoder Price |
"I was a student for
many years and was in the performing troupe - first as one of the original
"Sweethearts" and later as one of the Juniors. I have so many memories and I
can’t believe how many names I recognize on your website! I now have a three
year old daughter and a three month old son." |
Mary Seegar |
"I am so glad to have
danced at Chris Collins Studio and I am glad I found your website. It is amazing
to see how your studio has grown since I was there in the late 70's and early
80's." |
Stephen Lloyd |
"My favorite routine was
"Army, Navy, & Marines" that I did with Chris Talley and Randy Meyer. I am now a
student at Virginia Military Institute." |
Mandy Biles |
"Congrats on number 30!! I
am currently an attorney. I am engaged and living very close to your original
studio. My sister Melissa and I look forward to attending your recital." |
Trina Campbell |
"I have great memories
from the dance studio. I am now an event, promotions and sponsorship manager and
still take classes in NYC. I have also been an assistant helping the Rockettes
teach intensive classes at Radio City Music Hall." |
Sally Coombs Marsi |
Chris on 30 years of tapping those toes!! What an incredible accomplishment!" |
Amy Varner Smith |
"Congratulations on
your 30th Showtime! I am now working as a microbiologist (actually I am on
maternity leave.) I definitely miss dancing and look forward to seeing you at
the recital." |
Jen Draggoo |
"I have great memories of
dance and great friends. I am currently attending GMU’s Graduate School of
Education to get my teaching license in Elementary Education." |